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Research Publication Calendar

2023 Cultural Fluency Summit – October 30th

The Cultural Fluency Summit (formerly The Roundtable) provides attendees with big, new research leveraging cultural insights to navigate tomorrow’s changing consumer landscape.

  • America Now: Our annual study assessing trends in consumer attitudes and behaviors related to social issues, identity, and openness to marketing. 
  • CultureRate analysis: This study offers an analysis of top performing ads and brands in our CultureRate database.

Contact your client services representation to schedule a live read out for an in-depth review of the research.


Brand & Ad Performance

How the Best Ads & Brands Drive Cultural Fluency

These studies offer an analysis of top performing ads and brands in our CultureRate database for Black, Gen Z, and Women consumers. Other segments have been addressed throughout the year.

Measure Brand Cultural Fluency with CultureRate:Brand 

Members receive two brand submissions per year for a head-to-head comparison report (additional available for purchase) to measure brand cultural fluency and calibrate strategy next-steps.

  • Top Ads for Hispanics | Oct 18th
  • Top Ads for Gen Z | Nov 15th


Consumer Cultural Traits

Pulse Check on Health in America

An exploration of consumer health and wellness attitudes and behaviors, covering payers, providers, and industry.

Drive Connection by Supporting Kids’ Dreams and Aspirations 

This initiative will explore the aspirations of kids in America (ages 9-17 years old). We’ll explore what’s important to these individuals, including who they look up to and why. We’ll also provide breakouts by race, ethnicity, and gender when relevant.  

  • Cross-Membership | Submission Deadline 15th of Each Month


Category & Product Insights

Boost Brand Fit Within Category: Category Essentials

Category-specific presentations covering category drivers, changing channel behavior and—when relevant—the impact of innovative substitutes. These deliverables include key topics identified through member input are membership exclusive and available for Multicultural, Generations, and LGBTQ+ & Gender memberships. Reports are produced for each category twice a year.

Categories include:

  • Personal Care, Apparel, and Retail  |  Oct 13th
  • Financial Services, Auto, Travel, Charity, Teenager-Specific Categories (TBD)  | Nov 17th
  • Food, Bev, QSR  | Dec 15th

Contact Collage Group

Find out more about how you can go deeper with Collage Group’s Off the Shelf Presentations. Fill out the following form and a representative will contact you directly.