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Explore the landscape of consumers across parent-child relationships through the Collage Group network Cultural Intelligence Program.

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What’s Included in the Parents & Kids Program?

Parents & Kids Research

Research exploring how culture impacts the roles that parents play in their children’s lives, including:

  • the parenting style(s) they embrace
  • the values they prioritize instilling in
    their kids
  • how they navigate the impact of the changing media landscape and shifting social norms on their children

Insights into how the culture, age, and gender of the child impacts parental attitudes and behaviors, including:

  • how they respond to their children’s preferences and desires
  • how they select products and services for their kids across category
  • when and how they “hand-off” decision-making to their kids across category

Cultural Traits | Category Themes | Cultural Themes | And More

Breakouts for parents by race and ethnicity. Double-click when relevant for parents by gender, age of child (0-2, 3-7,
8-12), gender of child, and number of children. Dedicated kid research twice yearly (focus on 9-12, 13-17-year-old kids).