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The Collage Insights Designer gives Collage members access to every survey you are entitled to see, in a question-by-question searchable format. With a Collage Group membership, Insights Designer allows you to:

  • Search by survey name or by individual question keyword
  • Create customized crosstabs by specific demographics with countless options for rebasing
  • Combine questions from one or more studies

This tool gives you access to all of Collage Group’s membership-wide studies.

Find Questions: Explore all our syndicated surveys with Insights Designer

Search through any survey or question Collage has ever run!

  • Thousands and thousands of questions
  • Organized by industry, topic, year, and question type
  • Complete demographic overlays:
    • Acculturation
    • Generation
    • Employment Status
    • Ethnicity
    • Gender
    • Country-of-Origin
    • Income
    • …and many others
  • Stat-testing to find real differences
  • Export data to Excel for more advanced analysis
Person using Insights Designer on laptop