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Custom Quantitative Solutions

Tackle your toughest challenges with a passionate team of analytics experts using proprietary measurement and projection techniques to deliver actionable solutions

Competitive Benchmarking

Learn what the competition is doing to engage the fastest growing, most influential consumers, and how you stack up


Develop Framework

Scope, specific elements, and rubric for scoring each competitor

Determine Competitive Set

Competitive set based on member feedback and secondary research

May include market-leading non-competitors




Primary: In-store audits; expert interviews

Secondary: Online research; media spend comparison

Findings and Recommendations

-Identify best practices across competitors

-Identify “avoid” pitfalls

-Develop “low hanging fruit” tips to address gaps in market


  • Practical knowledge of what works and what doesn’t in the marketplace

  • New ideas for consumer engagement—across in-store, direct marketing, associates, digital, local, and advertising

  • Eliminate blind spots during the annual planning process


Dependent on number of competitors and elements to evaluate. Contact us for details.


4+ weeks: Dependent on scope


PowerPoint deck including deep-dives on each selected competitor; a summary scorecard of competitive performance; and recommendations to address gaps in the market.

Consumer Segmentation

Find elegant and actionable segmentation that balances culture, technology, category needs and wants, and consumer behavior


Our Process

  • Attitudinal and/or behavioral instrument designed to reveal totality of orthogonal themes within scope of inquiry
  • Bilingual if necessary
  • Identify attitudinal themes that run through consumers using factor analysis
  • Leverage resulting factors to explore segmentation solutions and collaboratively agree on one with client
  • Create typing tool using smallest number of questions (typically 10-15)
  • Use “Consumer Zoom In” methodology Full 360-degree profiles developed for each segment
  • Select priority segments

A Segmentation Must


  • Be easily understood by the entire organization

  • Identify differentiated and meaningful groups of customers

  • Produce a manageable and relevant number of groups

  • Provide accurate classification predictors

  • Help pinpoint prime targets and prospects

  • Lend itself to clear strategic and tactical direction


  • Actionable approach means segments are designed for maximum assignability—using “known” variables in most databases

  • Cultural and values-based themes are merged with strict product-usage questions to form a more complete segmentation picture

  • Forget acculturation—a culturally fluent segmentation model ensures all races and ethnicities get sensitive treatment


Dependent on questionnaire length, sampling requirements, and Methodological approach. Contact us for details.


10+ weeks: Dependent on scope


Comprehensive segmentation document delivered in PowerPoint, including factor analysis, segmentation solution, segment sizes, and zoom-in profiles; typing tool.

Attitudes and Usage

Understand category usage and behaviors among the fastest-growing consumers, including historical relationship with the category, habits, drivers and barriers


Category Relationship

  • Approach to category
  • Cultural nuances that impact category usage
  • How does the category fit in their life?
  • Tensions



  • Functional and emotional motivations
  • Triggers for usage
  • Decision-making and influence
  • Struggles and frustrations


  • Functional and emotional motivations
  • Triggers for usage
  • Decision-making and influence
  • Struggles and frustrations



  • Marketing funnel metrics
  • Consideration set
  • Competitive perceptions


Quant: Online Survey

  • Large and targeted online survey

Supplement with Qual Ethnographies

  • Bring to life the behaviors and attitudes of consumers

  • Deep understanding of drivers, barriers in the context of consumer lifestyle


Provides a clear profile of the consumer’s attitudes and behaviors and identifies recommendations and strategies for breaking barriers and optimizing communication with target segment(s).

By combining qual and quant, gain a deep understanding of emotions and develop a complete (mutually-exclusive and collectively-exhaustive) survey instrument by testing hypotheses established in qual.


Dependent on questionnaire length, sampling requirements. Contact us for details.


4+ weeks: Dependent on scope


PowerPoint profile of the consumer, includes deep-dives on each thematic area; we strive to create “narrative-based” deliverables, meaning we tell the story of the consumer as an individual.

Creative Testing

Affordable, regular access to the consumers you most want to reach


Develop Framework

Category usage and attitudes that may inform reactions to creative – especially messaging

Metrics Testing

-Online quantitative approach

-Test appeal, relevance, and believability;  compare across creative versions to aid go/no-go decisions

-Valid and reliable survey instruments for measures, including standard metrics used to evaluate appeal, relevance, brand effect, and intent-to-purchase

In-Depth Content Assessment

Complement metrics with rich open-ended feedback to identify likes, dislikes, and red flags to inform optimization

Gather deep reactions from consumers on messaging and executional aspects of creative to uncover wins and red flags




-Identify a winner

-Executional tweaks

-Messaging shifts

-Potential backlash


  • Culturally focused experience with creative testing avoids authenticity or “offensiveness” landmines with high-acquiescence bias consumers
  • Multicultural-focused metric benchmarks take into account acquiescence bias
  • Bilingual approach samples reaction from across acculturation spectrum
  • Recommendations expertise on tweaks and winks that wouldn’t be apparent from “all purpose” testing firms


Dependent on questionnaire length, sampling requirements, and Methodological approach. Contact us for details.


5+ weeks: Dependent on scope


Final PowerPoint deck including concept metrics, benchmarks, specific qualitative consumer feedback, and recommendations

Contact Collage Group

Find out more about how you can go deeper with Collage Group custom solutions. Fill out the form below and a representative will contact you directly.