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Custom Qualitative Solutions

Benefit from innovative methods, RIVA-trained moderators, and in-language/in-culture analysts, to bring consumers to life and uncover true drivers of behavior

In-Depth Interviews

Get a deeper, holistic understanding of your consumer through candid one-on-one conversations


Involves direct, one-on-one engagement with individual participants. It is a loosely structured interview that permits freedom for both the interviewer and interviewee in case of changing directions and exploring additional points when required. Can be conducted over the phone or through video conferencing platforms.

Best For

  • Sensitive topics (ex. Health, Finances, Family Dynamics etc.)
  • Consumer journeys


  • Allows researcher to collect comprehensive information
  • Allows the moderator to ask follow-up probes and dive deep on topics of interest
  • There are none of the potential distractions or peer-pressure dynamics that can sometimes emerge in focus groups
  • Privacy allows for the participant to feel comfortable and share their honest opinions
  • Flexible and cost-effective


Dependent upon the target and number of interviews. Contact us for details.


3+ weeks: Dependent on scope


  • Session recordings
  • Respondents’ HW submissions
  • Comprehensive PPT report with key insights and strategic recommendations

Focus Groups

Uncover consumer truths by bringing participants together in a virtual setting and watching the discussions live


Allow researchers to bring consumers from across the country into a virtual space to explore their thoughts and opinions. Online sessions are fast, actionable, more cost-effective than in-person focus groups, and are conducted in-language and in-culture.

Best For

  • Exploratory research
  • Testing a small number of concepts
  • Creative executions
  • Brand associations and perceptions
  • Research with Kids


  • Ability to recruit beyond the limits of one (or a few) market(s)
  • Gain in-depth feedback from consumers across the country in a low-cost way
  • Smaller conversations than traditional focus group allows greater participation from each consumer
  • Flexibility for multiple parties viewing at the same time from different locations
  • Ability for your team to watch live and probe in real time


Dependent on scope. Contact us for details.


4+ weeks: Dependent on scope


  • Session recordings
  • Respondents’ HW submissions
  • Comprehensive PPT report with key insights and strategic recommendations

Video Confessionals/ Mobile Ethnographies

Walk in your consumers shoes by stepping into their lives virtually


Follow the consumers over a period of days, weeks, or months. Via journaling, consumers’ everyday is brought to life using images, video, and rich open-ended responses to highlight key moments.

Best For

  • Understanding consumers day to day routines and product uses
  • Follow consumers through a particular process/ journey
  • Identify need spaces for your category
  • Understand customers interaction with the category as a whole


  • Collect impressions while still fresh in participants’ minds – can be specific to mobile to ensure in-the-moment entries
  • Capture behaviors without interference of an interviewer/observer
  • Identify unarticulated behaviors
  • Provides rich collateral (such as images, videos, quotes)
  • Longitudinal understanding


Dependent on scope. Contact us for details.


4 weeks


  • Respondents’ multi-media submissions
  • Comprehensive PPT report with key insights and strategic recommendations

Virtual Shop-Along

Witness the shopping experience live to truly understand your consumer's decision-making process


Gives members the opportunity to virtually go in-store for an immersive experience into the path-to-purchase. Understand shopper behaviors and attitudes by seeing the aisle from the eyes of the consumer.

Best For

  • Understand at-shelf motivations for product selection
  • Uncover in-store drivers and barriers
  • Gain a full picture of their path-to-purchase, from pre-store planning to post-shopping behaviors


  • Allows researchers to connect with these individuals during key points in the customer journey while they shop as they regularly would
  • Embed client, agency, and researcher within the path-to-purchase
  • Allows for a more natural and organic experience
  • Ability to test consumers’ behaviors when shopping online


Dependent on scope. Contact us for details.


4 weeks


  • Respondents’ video submissions
  • Comprehensive PPT report with key insights and strategic recommendations

Bulletin Boards

Witness the shopping experience live to truly understand your consumer's decision-making process


A bulletin board is a virtual tool or discussion thread allowing users to sign-in and post comments, answer questions, read postings, post content, upload and download files. Participants take part in various research activities like diary entries with community, polls, discussion boards, etc.

Best For

  • Image/idea testing
  • Sensitive topics
  • B2B settings, for projects were target segment is hard to reach
  • Participants who work non-standard hours


  • It inspires more considered answers, given at the participants’ convenience each day, rather than the rushed, short responses you get in live chat research
  • It allows for honest responses
  • You can ask people to share pictures and videos of their lives more easily when research is across a few days, which paints a more vivid picture of who they are


Dependent on scope. Contact us for details.


3-4 weeks


  • Respondents’ submissions

  • Comprehensive PPT report with key insights and strategic recommendation

Contact Collage Group

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