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Custom Market Profiler
The Collage Custom Market Profiler (CMP) is a geospatial analysis tool designed to help you better understand the fastest growing, most influential consumers in the U.S. at detailed geographical levels.
Launch the Profiler

In the Market Profiler section, you can profile cities, states, or ZIP codes using many different dimensions, including ethnicity, country of origin, language usage, acculturation, health insurance coverage status, and many other variables.

When you’re ready to take action, use  the Retail Trade Area section to upload addresses (stores, restaurants, or any other kind of location data), draw radii or drive-time polygons around them, and understand the consumer dynamics that are driving shopping behavior at a detailed level.

The data for the Custom Market Profiler is sourced from the American Community Survey – an annual survey run by the U.S. Census Bureau. There a several versions of the ACS with different use-cases for each. The CMP will automatically optimize between versions based on your query-type to ensure you are getting the most accurate results. 

Market Analysis

Explore Markets to Understand Opportunity
  • Choose from metrics including detailed race, nativity, education, ancestry, occupation, income, age, and many others
  • Drill into states, Metro Areas, Counties, and ZIP codes
  • Over ten years of historical data
  • Advanced mapping tools
  • Export reports to Excel

Retail Trade Analysis

Understand the Opportunity Around Locations
  • Choose from radius, drive time, walk time, or even bike time
  • Enter points as either latitude / longitude or store addresses
  • Sort locations by any metric you choose—including custom metrics that you calculate
  • Create scatterplots of metrics
  • Export location details to Excel