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Home Improvement & Décor: 2023 Multicultural Insights

Our semi-annual Category Essentials provide members with the most important insights into the attitudes and behaviors of consumers within specific categories. They are published separately for each program. Download the 2023 Home Improvement & Décor Category Essentials reports for insights into the Multicultural segments.

The attached slides provide consumer insights on the Home Improvement & Décor category.

This material is part of a comprehensive multi-industry study undertaken twice per year.  These semi-annual reports provide a high-level view of the category-specific trade-offs and considerations facing today’s consumers.  They contextualize what you learn about America’s major consumer segments in the Generations Essentials by placing these segments within specific industries and categories. The reports’ category-specific coverage also provides insight that can help you better understand how your Brands and Ads are doing as revealed by your CultureRate:Brand and CultureRate:Ad reports.

Through Collage’s consumer-level expertise and the input we receive from members on issues of high priority, we develop the insights you need to understand key similarities and differences across diverse segments. Equipped with these insights, you will be able to better navigate topics of interest and importance for your category and target consumers.

Visit the Industries & Categories section under the Topics menu above to navigate to other areas of interest to you.

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