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LGBTQ+ & Gender

Drive Engagement by Aligning Your Media Strategy to LGBTQ+ Consumers’ Habits and Preferences

Learn how LGBTQ+ Americans engage with media, including social media, movies, TV shows, online videos, music, and podcasts.


LGBTQ+ Americans spend an enormous amount of time and attention in the digital media space. Whether it’s social, video, or audio streaming content, these super-users actively engage with digital content creators, other people from their own community, and even with brands.

Collage Group’s 2023 Media Habits and Preferences Study provides insights on where people are using social media, why they’re going there, and how your brand can authentically engage with your target segments across channels. This report dives deep into LGBTQ+ consumers’ platform usage and drivers, content preferences, and engagement with influencers and brands on social media.

The Big Picture:

Brands Must Invest in Digital Media and Content and Nurture the Ties within the LGBTQ+ Community’s Inner Circles

  1. LGBTQ+ people are digital media power users, but their attention and excitement are fragmented across a multitude of platforms and channels.
  2. For LGBTQ+ consumers, media consumption is a communal activity.
    Their Found Family Group Trait fuels their choices and provides brands an opportunity to engage.

Download the attached presentation and watch the cross-membership Media webinar for more. In the meantime, take a look at some key insights and action steps from the LGBTQ+ Media study below:

Key Insight #1: LGBTQ+ Americans are social media power users

Know This:

LGBTQ+ people are more likely than everyone else to use a broad range of platforms, engage with influencers, and buy products endorsed by them. They seek content, people, and stories that are personally relatable and relevant to their own life experiences.

Do This:

  • Grow your brand’s social media presence across a variety of platforms, not just the biggest players, to engage with LGBTQ+ consumers in different niche platforms.
  • Help make social media feel more “real” by engaging with partners who are open about all the ups and downs of their lives, not just the highlight reels.
  • Create and support virtual spaces where LGBTQ+ people share, learn, and find help with the struggles they are facing.

Key Insight #2: Streaming rules LGBTQ+ people’s visual media consumption

Know This:

When it comes to LGBTQ+ Americans’ viewing preferences, on-demand, mobile-enabled, and ad-free streaming options beat linear TV programming. But while they watch TV or movies, they are much more likely than everyone else to multitask — digitally and in real life — making it hard for brands to truly get their ads in front of these elusive viewers.

Do This:

  • Capture LGBTQ+ people’s attention with catchy soundtracks, captivating images, and nuanced stories that would compel them to put down their phones (and forks) and focus.
  • Create interactive activations that encourage LGBTQ+ viewers to make their own content and participate in the social media conversation.

Key Insight #3: LGBTQ+ people are big music fans who enjoy both solo and communal listening experiences

Know This:

They love listening to music and use more streaming services than non-LGBTQ+ people. They also embrace communal music experiences, including concerts, festivals, and street fairs, at higher rates than non-LGBTQ+ people.

Do This:

  • Create community around interactive music experiences, whether by sponsoring existing concerts and festivals, or creating new spaces for LGBTQ+ people to bond over music — online and in real life.