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Generations LGBTQ+ & Gender Multicultural

Annual Membership Survey: Help Us Improve and Plan for 2023

2022 unfolded as yet a third consecutive year of major events and changes in consumer behaviors–giving us so much to make sense of. Increasing polarization on social issues revealed that America’s cultural divisions are likely here to stay. And American consumers are far from monolithic.


Furthermore, diverse consumers are and will continue to be the growth engine of this country given basic demographic dynamics. All of this increases the need for, but also the complexity of understanding the American Consumer. It has become clear that conventional wisdom is no longer reliable, and that the role of data, insights, and analytics is paramount in optimizing marketing strategies to capture the American consumer at large.

Today, we’re asking for your help. We are a learning organization that is anchored on a guiding principle of continuous improvement. Your input is vital to improving the overall experience of our members and offering you an exceptional journey in 2023.

Please take 15 minutes to answer our annual membership survey.

For each survey response, we will donate to the most popular charity of choice. At the end of the survey, please be sure to cast your vote for where you would like us to direct the funds.

Thank you in advance for your honest feedback. We very much appreciate it.

About the author

David Wellisch

David Wellisch

David Wellisch is CEO & Co-Founder of Collage Group, a consumer insights and intelligence company with a focus on research exploring race/ethnicity, generation, sexuality and gender. Since the inception of Collage Group in 2009, David has led the company through growth, now serving more than 200 brands in across 15 industries. David is passionate about entrepreneurship and company building, and often works directly with members to help guide the integration of multicultural consumer insights and marketing strategies.

Prior to Collage Group, David was the founder, vice president and general manager of AOL Latino, AOL’s Hispanic service. He was responsible for the entire operation, including overseeing programming, product development, customer service, brand and acquisition marketing, strategy and business development. At its peak, AOL Latino produced $130MM in revenue from subscriptions and advertising. David was also Executive Director of strategy at AOL’s web properties.

Before AOL, he worked in private equity at Allied Capital and strategic consulting at Gemini Consulting. Originally from Ecuador, David holds an undergraduate degree from Brown University and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. Currently, he sits on the Board of Trustees for Georgetown Day School in Washington, D.C. David is also a member of the Washington, D.C. chapter of the Young President’s Organization. David is married, has three awesome kids, and currently lives in Washington, D.C.