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Understand and Embrace Millennial Passion Points

Learn how Millennial American consumers engage with Passion Points, including Food, Sports and Fitness, Travel, Fashion, Games, and Home and Garden.

Passion Points are the activities and areas of life people are deeply interested in. They are the “things” Americans prioritize when spending their time, money, and attention. In other words, Passion Points are concrete expressions of culture.

Download the attached presentation for the attitudes and behaviors marketers and insights leaders can use to connect with Millennial consumers.

Collage Group’s coverage of Passion Points includes in-depth analysis across eight key areas of American consumers’ lives. This is the stuff Americans get fired up about and the places in which they invest their time and money. So, it’s an effective place for brands to both extend reach and deepen connection with America’s consumers across generations. These activations can vary, from authentic creative and brand positioning to partnerships and sponsorships. In all cases, Passion Points provide critical insights for understanding which activations will be most successful.

Our Passion Points study includes:

  • Travel
  • Cooking and Dining Out
  • Sports and Fitness
  • Games
  • Fashion and Style
  • Home and Garden

And two additional Passion Points will be covered in our upcoming Media Study:

  • Movies, TV Shows, and Books
  • Audio and Music

Download the attached presentations and watch the webinar replay below for more. In the meantime, take a look at highlights of key insights and action steps from the full study:

Key Finding #1:

Millennials have a strong passion for travel, especially to culturally relevant destinations such as places tied to their heritage.

Context: Having grown up during the digital revolution, Millennials are the most globally connected generation to date. They are also more inherently diverse than older generations. These aspects instilled a sense of appreciation for their own culture and a desire to learn about others. But due to the constraints of work and family, many opt for domestic road trip adventures.

Action Step:

  • Offer unique and authentic cultural experiences both domestically and internationally. And remember to highlight the local cuisine.


Key Finding #2:

Millennials view eating out as a way to treat themselves and ease their in-kitchen workload.


Context: Millennials’ busy life stage has made cooking and baking feel like a chore. Therefore, dining out is a treat and a welcome escape from their daily stress. One caveat to Millennials’ love of eating out, however, is that now that many are parents it’s not quite as easy as it used to be.

Action Step:

  • Make eating out a special experience in casual and fine dining restaurants alike and that includes catering to families.


Key Finding #3:

This generation is uniquely passionate about sports. They love to follow their favorite teams, and seek connection through their fandom by gathering to watch games with fellow fans.

Context: Millennials’ coming-of-age also coincided with massive growth in the North American sports industry, resulting in wider access to sports media online and on TV. This surge in content, along with their digital fluency, fueled Millennials’ appetite for following live sports and teams. Their socially-focused spirit drives them to see sports as a vehicle for spending more time with friends, family and their community.

Action Steps:

  • Create easy and unique opportunities for Millennials to socialize around sports games, both online and in person.
  • Boost engagement via partnerships with their favorite sports hobbies, teams, and athletes.


Key Finding #4:

This generation appreciates fashion as a form of personal expression. To many Millennials, their style is an opportunity to be bold and showcase who they are. Some desire to be trendy, but many couldn’t care less about the latest fads.

Context: Millennials have held the reign as fashion trendsetters for most of their lives and that has translated into a foundational confidence in their own style. Recently, Gen Z is calling out their long-standing styles as outdated and overdone, leaving many Millennials to question their wardrobe (and their age). Now balancing busy lives with demanding jobs and families, many are torn between trying to keep up with the latest trends or sticking with what they know.

Action Steps:

  • Don’t sleep on Millennials’ passion for fashion, encourage them to take risks in their style and express themselves authentically.
  • Avoid alienating those who aren’t trying to keep up with the latest fad by offering classic styles along with trendy options. Remind them that it’s okay to be yourself.


Key Finding #5:

Inspired by the plethora of home improvement content online, many Millennials are feeling empowered and prefer to do renovations and repairs themselves.

Context: Many Millennials are finally settling down. Whether they are renting or now homeowners they are ready to make their space their own. Given the economic turmoil throughout their lives and sky-high housing market, many have had to settle for older spaces, but still desire personalization.

Action Steps:

  • Get on board with Millennials desire to do things themselves by providing DIY guides and support for your products.
  • For those who want to hire help, offer easy and personal partnerships with homeowners to fit their needs.


Get passionate about consumer insights and download the attached study and watch the full presentation in the link below.