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Understand and Embrace Gen Z Passion Points

Learn how Gen Z American consumers engage with Passion Points, including Food, Sports and Fitness, Travel, Fashion, and Games.


Passion Points are the activities and areas of life people are deeply interested in. They are the “things” Americans prioritize when spending their time, money, and attention. They are concrete expressions of culture.

Download the attached presentation for the attitudes and behaviors marketers and insights leaders can use to connect with Gen Z consumers.

Collage Group’s coverage of Passion Points includes in-depth and dynamic analysis across eight key areas of American consumers’ lives. This is the stuff Americans get fired up about and the places in which they invest their time and money. That is why it’s an effective place for brands to both extend reach and deepen connection with America’s consumers across generations. These activations can vary, from authentic creative and brand positioning to partnerships and sponsorships. In all cases, Passion Point research provides critical insight for understanding which activations will be most successful.

Our Gen Z Passion Points study includes:

  • Travel
  • Cooking and Dining Out
  • Sports and Fitness
  • Games
  • Fashion and Style

And two additional Passion Points will be covered in our upcoming Media Study:

  • Movies, TV Shows, and Books
  • Audio and Music

Get passionate about consumer insights and download the attached study and watch the full presentation in the link below.