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LGBTQ+ & Gender

LGBTQ+ | Holidays & Occasions: The Olympics

Learn how LGBTQ+ American consumers prepare for and celebrate cookouts and barbecues.


Holidays and occasions are focal points for many Americans. These events afford people the opportunity to express their cultural traditions and individual aspects of themselves through decorations, food and beverage, entertainment, and activities.

Holidays and occasions are also important for brands and organizations as they present an opportunity to deepen connection with consumer segments. The Olympics are an occasion brands need to understand to fully capture diverse America’s attention. Collage Group helps marketers and insights leaders connect around this occasion by providing insights that clarify the similarities and differences in how American consumers across diverse segments prepare for and experience the Olympics. These insights allow for more efficient and effective activations that capture greater mind and market share.

After reviewing the presentation attached here, have a look at the LGBTQ+ Holidays & Occasions webinar and some of our other holiday and occasion presentations which are linked below.

If you’re looking for insights on a holiday or occasion that isn’t listed above, don’t fret. You can use our Instant Insights tool to find additional holidays and occasions data and insights. Just click here and follow the instructions.